How to Enroll in BPI Online Banking
Shopping can be done over the Internet, stalking can be done over the Internet and food ordering can be done on the Internet. Now, banking can be done on the Internet, too.Customers of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) would be happy to know that you can enroll your BPI Express Online account on the web easily.
All you need is an account with BPI, a computer and an Internet connection.
Step 1:
Go to the BPI Express Online website at At the upper right side of the screen, you will find “Enroll Now!”. Click on that. You will notice that there will be a message making sure you do have an existing BPI account:
“To enroll in Express Online, you must have a BPI, BPI Family Bank or a BPI Direct Deposit Account.”
Click “Continue”.
Click the ‘Continue’ button and follow the next steps accordingly.
Step 2:
You will see an application form on your screen.
Enter your:
1) Account Number - the number at the back of your ATM card
2) Joint Account Indicator (JAI) – which is the 2 digit number on the right side of your name located at the lower right hand corner of the front of your ATM card
3) Type of Account – savings or checking account
Step 3:
You need to create a login name and password. Make sure these are secure and confidential. You will also need to remember your username and password as these will be the ones used to access your account.
Step 4:
For those of you who are in the Philippines, all you need to do to activate your Online Banking enrollment is to visit any BPI Express Teller ATM within 20 banking days. If you are outside the Philippines, you need to print, sign and mail the enrollment form.
To activate, go to any BPI ATM machine and insert your ATM card.
Go to Special Services -> Activate Enrollments –> Express Online.
After activation, the ATM will give you an acknowledgement receipt.
Activation will take 2 days. So you can then log in to your BPI express Online account after 2 days to check your balance or enroll and pay your bills, transfer funds or reload anytime, anywhere. That is what you banking convenience.
See sample screenshot of an activated BPI online account.