LUBAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lúbag v {1} [AB6; ab] twist s.t.
, wring s.t.
Lubágun ku nang líug mu, animála ka, I will wring your neck, you beast.
Lubági ang linabhan arun daling mauga, Wring out the clothes so they will dry quickly.
{2} [A13] for flat boards to be warped.
Naglúbag ang tabla kay dúgayng nabulad sa ínit, The board is warped because it was left in the sun for a long time.
() n liquid obtained by squeezing plants for their sap.
Maáyung bubhu ang lubag sa bawnus, The squeezings from the gogo vine make good shampoo.
v [A2; c] {1} exude a juice, taste, color when soaked in water.
Pula ang ilubag sa tungug, Mangrove bark gives o?
a red color.
{2} for the results of bad behavior to come out.
Milubag na ang íyang pangarmin.
Napaangkan siya, Her habit of always making herself up has borne fruit.
Now she got pregnant.
{3} [A2N] for dirt to loosen so that it comes out easily.
Ihúmul únà sa sabun nang mga bulingun bwáhan makalubag ang buling, Soak the dirty clothes in soapy water so that the dirt can come loose.
lubaglúbag v [A; c6] writhe.
Naglubaglúbag siya sa katri sa kasakit, He is writhing in pain on the bed.
-in- n liquid or juice squeezed out of s.t.
Waswási pag linabhan kay lubug pag linúbag, Rinse the clothes once more because the water you are wringing out is still dirty.
pa- v [A; c] cause s.t.
to exude its juice or dirt to come out.
n s.t.
which can loosen dirt.

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