GISI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gísì v {1} [A; a] tear s.t.
Naggísì siyag panaptun arun ibáat sa samad, She tore o?
a strip of cloth to bandage the wound.
Nagísì ang íyang kasingkásing sa ílang panagbúlag, It tore her all up when they broke up.
{2} [A; b6] make a slight cut or laceration.
Gigisían ang inahan sa primírung pagpanganak, The mother had some lacerations during her first delivery.
() n tear, laceration.
May gisì ang ímung karsúnis, Your pants have a tear in them.
gisìgisì v [A; a12] tear s.t.
to shreds.
Gigisìgisì níya ang sulat sa blakmílir, She tore the blackmailers letter into pieces.
-un a all ripped up.

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