DILIKADU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dilikádu a {1} perilous, in danger.
Dilikádu ang íyang kahim-tang.
Háyan mamatay, His condition is serious.
He will prob-ably die.
{2} needing careful handling.
Dilikádu ang súd íning kartun, The contents of this cardboard box are fragile.
Dilikádu kaáyu ang kásu nga ímung giatúbang, The case you are involved in is a delicate one.
{3} finicky, choosy about ones things or what one has about him.
Dilikádu ku sa pagkáun, pamisti, ug sa ákung mga butang, Im choosy about my food, how I dress myself, about my things.
v [B12; b5] be unsafe, in danger.

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