GAMU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gamu a {1} fussy, for small children to be annoying because of ill temper.
Gamu kaáyung batáa, muhílak ug ibutang, This child is so fussy.
It cries when I put it down.
{2} tedious, cumbersome.
Tib-a na lag lista kay kun tagsatagsaun, gamu na kaáyu, Put it all under one entry because if you list them one by one, its tedious work.
{3} way not hard to please, not fussy.
Way gamu tawhána kay mukáun bisag unsay idúlut, He isnt hard to please because he is not choosy in his food.
{4} being a hindrance to ones movements.
Gamu kaáyu ning magdá tag bátà sa byáhi, Its a lot of trouble to take a child along on a trip.
v {1} [B146] be fussy.
Naggamu ang bátà kay gibutdan sa tiyan, The baby is restless because it has gas pains.
{2} be filled with anxiety, worry.
Naggamu ang íyang kahiladman tungud sa pagkawálà sa íyang anak, He was very worried about his lost child.
{3} [b4] consider s.t.
tedious, wearisome.
{4} [B46] be a hindrance to ones movements.
ka-() v [A13] have di?
culty managing to carry things.
Nagkagámu siya sa íyang gipamalit, Her hands are full with the things she had bought.

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