HANDA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

handà v {1} [A13; b6] plan to do s.t.
Naghandà ming mangalígù sa dágat rung Duminggu, We are planning to go swimming on Sunday.
Gihandáan ka nga iprumut, You are under consider-ation for promotion.
{2} [A; b4] be about to do s.t.
, for s.t.
almost to happen to one.
Mau giyuy pagbundak sa ulan sa di-hang mihandà na untà ku paglakaw, The rain suddenly started pouring down just as I was about to go out.
Kapila na siya handái nga mamatay sa dágat, Several times he came close to dying on the sea.
{3} [A; c1] try placing s.t.
on s.t.
to find out how it fits.
Walà pa gánì mahuman ang íyang sinínà íya nang gihandà, Her dress was not finished yet she already tried putting it on.
handàhandà n plans for an action.
Pulus lang giyud handàhandà ang tanan; wà giyuy aksiyun, Its all plans, no action.

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