HUBUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hubun n fontanel, the soft, boneless areas in the skull of a baby or young animal which are later closed by the formation of bone.
hubunhubun = hubun.
hubung v {1} [A; b6] hide, keep out of sight.
Mihubung ang adlaw luyu sa búkid, The sun hid behind the mountain.
Lasang nga ámung gihubngan, The jungle we hid in.
{1a} for s.t.
dif-ferent to lurk behind what appears.
Ang íyang pahiyum gihub-ngan sa pagdumut, Hatred lurked behind his smile.
{2} [A] for the one who is it in hide-and-seek to cover his face.
Samtang maghubung ka, ayaw ug lìlì, When you cover your face, dont peek.
n turn to hide ones face in hide-and-seek.
pa- v [A; c] put s.t.
out of sight.
pina- n weapon hidden for emergency purposes.

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