KALAMAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kalámay n {1} sugar.
{2} brown sugar (as opposed to asúkar).
v {1} [A1; a2] make sugar.
{2} [B5] become sugar.
Kun itúsun ang tubà mukámay (makámay) diay, Palm toddy can also be made into sugar by crystallizing it.
() v [A; c] {1} put sugar into.
Kamayan tang ímung tsá?
Shall I put sugar in your tea?
{2} sweet-talk s.
Ímu na pud kung gikamayan, Youre giving me sweet talk again.
{2a} bisan -an pa no matter what inducement is given (even if you put sugar on it).
Bísag kamayan pa, dì giyud ku musugut níya, I wouldnt accept him for all the tea in China.
{3} [B246] for coconut ta?
y to fail to turn out and become crystalline and sandy.
Daling mukamay ang kukunat ug kúwang sa lubi, The coconut ta?
y comes out sandy if you dont use enough coconut milk.
{4} [A; a] (not without l) make kalamay.
n (not without l) sweets made from ground sticky rice boiled with the juice of coconut meat and brown sugar.

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