KUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kun {1} if.
Kun mau kanà, iitsa ta ikaw sa kaláyu, If that is the case, I will toss you into the fire.
Kun maarang, adtu na lang sa prusintu pangatarúngan, Please (lit.
if it is all right), explain at the precinct.
Ang ákung ngálan si Husi Krus kun adúnay isúgù, My name is Joe Cruz.
At your service (lit.
if you have anything to command).
Kun wà pa nímu iúlì ang awtu, ikíha ta ka, If you hadnt returned the car, I would have filed a case against you.
{1a} when [so-and-so] happens.
Kun mulakaw na siya pahibalua ku, When he goes, tell me.
Kun ting-init dinhi, ínit giyud, During the hot season it is really hot.
{1b} if, whether.
Pangutan-a si Máma mu kun haúnun na ba ring kík, Ask your Mother if I should take the cake out of the oven.
{2} dílì {2a} if not.
{2b} except.
Way láin makasulbad sa ákung suliran kun dílì ikaw, No one can solve my problem except you.
{2c} dílì (walà) lang .
kun dì {2c1} not only .
but also.
Wà lang gánì siya magmuru nákù, kun dì milingiw pa giyud, He not only frowned at me but even turned his back to me.
{2c2} not .
but rather.
Sa ílang dríl dílì lámang káhuy ang gigámit kun dílì ripli giyud, In their drill they did not use wooden guns but rather real rifles.
{3} expression to introduce an explanatory phrase: that is to say.
Ang mga gradwádu karun walay kadásig sa pagtuun kun sa pagtukì sa kinaadman, The recent graduates have no enthusiasm for study that is to say, to delve into knowledge.

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