PIRHWISYU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pirhwisyu a making a nuisance of oneself.
Pahatud ka sa iskuy-lahan.
Pirhwisyu ka kaáyu, I have to bring you to school and get you.
Youre a nuisance.
v {1} [B; a2] make a nuisance of oneself.
Nagpirhwisyu ang bátà kay giinítan, The child is crying in an annoying way because he feels hot.
{2} [a12] be put to useless e?
ort or inconvenience.
Napirhwisyu kug adtu sa Karkar kay wà didtu ag ámung túyù, I went to a lot of trouble for nothing when I went to Carcar because the person we wanted to see was not there.

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