PURHISYU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
purhisyu, purhwisyu = pirhwisyu.
purigit a watery bowel movements.
v {1} [A3P] have loose bowel movements.
Mupurigit ka giyud ug ímung sagulsagúlun ang ímung kan-un, Youll get diarrhea if you eat all di?
erent kinds of food at once.
{2} [B; b6] for bowel movements to get watery.
Nagkapurigit ang tái sa bátà nga giilísan ug litsi, The child is getting loose bowel movements because they tried a new brand of milk on him.
purigit a watery bowel movements.
v {1} [A3P] have loose bowel movements.
Mupurigit ka giyud ug ímung sagulsagúlun ang ímung kan-un, Youll get diarrhea if you eat all di?
erent kinds of food at once.
{2} [B; b6] for bowel movements to get watery.
Nagkapurigit ang tái sa bátà nga giilísan ug litsi, The child is getting loose bowel movements because they tried a new brand of milk on him.