KAPUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kapun v {1} [A; b5] castrate or spay domestic animals.
Kapni (kapna) ang iring arun dì mahígal, Castrate the cat so it wont get over-sexed.
{2} [b2] take s.t.
away from s.t.
, take a little bit out of s.t.
Gikapnan ang kík, The cake has had s.t.
Nakúlang ang ákung suklì kay gikapnan níya, I didnt get enough change because she held some of it back.
{3} [A; b] cut o?
a portion from a plant to make growth take place in a desirable part.
Kapni ang tabákù arun managkù ang dáhun, Cut o?
the terminal buds of the tobacco plant to make the leaves grow large.
kinapnan n castrated.

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