KATAP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kátap v {1} [B; c1] spread all over.
Mikátap ang mga táwu sa plása, People were all over the plaza.
Ang usa ka galun nga pintal dílì makakátap sa pisami, A gallon of paint will not cover the entire ceiling.
{2} [B] for vision or reasoning powers to be blurred.
Nagkátap ang ákung tinan-awan sa mga lúhà, My vision was not clear because of my tears.
Mikátap ang íyang hunàhúnà sa hilabihang kasábà, He couldnt think clearly be-cause of the incessant din.
a {1} be spread widely.
Kátap kaáyu ang balità, The news spread widely.
{2} for vision or thoughts to get blurred.

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