ULUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ulut v [b(1)] have a boundary in between.
Giutlan ang duha námù ka balay sa usa ka mutu, Our houses are separated by a hill.
() n outside edges or boundaries.
v [C; c] for pieces of land to be contiguous.
Mag-úlut tag yútà ug palitun nímu nang lutíha, Our land will be contiguous if you buy that lot.
ulut-úlut {1} = úlut.
{2} place between two things.
v {1} = úlut, v1.
{2} [b1256] for a space to develop between two things.
utlánan n boundary.
Ákung gikural ang utlánan sa ámung yútà, I fenced the boundary of our land.
Butangan nátug utlánan ang átung panag-amígu, Lets set a limit to our friendship.
v [c1] be made into a boundary, limit.
ka- n person whose land is contiguous to ones own.

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