ALANG-ALANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable.
Ang-ng na run igikan.
Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now.
Youll never make it.
Ang-ng iadtu run kay sayu pa, No use going so early.
{2} not quite the right amount.
Alang-álang pa ning kwartang ilukat sa prinda, This money is insu?
cient to pay o?
the mortgage.
Ang-ng ning panaptúna pára karsúnis, This is not enough cloth for a pair of pants.
{3} not up to a certain level.
Ang-ng pagkapan-day, It was poorly done.
Sumbágun ta untà ka, apan ang-ng ka ra nákù, I would love to fight you, but youre too small for me.
{4} somewhat, but not quite.
Ang lamì alang-álang nangkà, alang-álang pinya, The taste is somewhat like jackfruit, some-what like pineapple.
n {1} it would be silly if, it would be the wrong thing to do if.
Ang-ng dílì dawátun.
Gihátag man, It would be silly not to accept it.
It was given to you, wasnt it?
Ang-ng akuy manghúgas nga náa may masúgù, Why should I do the dishes when theres s.
I can tell to do them.
{2} of course.
Malígù ka?
Mau bitaw nay átung gianhi, Are you going to swim?
Of course, thats what we came here for, isnt it?
v [A; b5c1] {1} do s.t.
poorly, halfway.
Ug alang-alángun (alang-alángan, ialang-álang) nà nímug búhat, ay na lang, If youre going to do a poor job, never mind.
{2} do s.t.
at an inopportune time.
Dílì pa ku run mualang-álang ug minyù nga walà kuy salapì, Im not going to go and get married at this time when I dont have any money.
{3} [B256N; b4(1)] arrive a little too late or early for s.t.
Mangang-ng kug larga, Ill leave a bit ahead.
{4} [b4] lacking s.t.
Naang-ángan ku sa kwarta, I am short of money.
{5} [ab2] be put in a di?
cult situation by s.t.
Ímu kung alang-alángug pangutána nga náa may láing namátì, You put me in a di?
cult situation asking that question when s.
else is listening.
{6} [A23] have hesitations about doing s.t.
Dílì giyud aku mualang-álang nímug pangutá-nag dílì pa tinúud, I wouldnt have reservations about asking you if it werent true.
{7} [b6] consider s.t.
Giang-ngan aku sa íyang hitsúra, I consider his looks not up to par.
Giang-ngan akug hangyù níya, Its a bad time for me to ask him.
() = alang-álang, v, a3.
paN- v [A2; c6] eat a single heavy meal in between mealtimes to make one do for two.
Mangalang-álang lang ta kay kúlang tag bugas, Lets eat two meals in one because we dont have enough rice.
n single meal eaten in place of two.

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