ALUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

álung v [A2; b6] be attracted to go near s.t.
Ang dinagku-tan nga kandílà gialúngan sa mga anunugba, The moths were attracted to the lighted candle.
n fish attracted to the light in fishing that uses lights.
Mga tugnus ang mga álung nákù, The fish attracted to my light were sardines.
alung-álung v [ANP; b5] secretly keep watch on s.
in hopes of getting a chance to see him.
Ang laláking nangulitáwu níya pirming muawung-áwung (mangawung-áwung, mupaawung-áwung) níya sa dálan, The man who is courting her keeps waiting in the street for a chance to talk with her.

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