AMA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ama námù n the Lords Prayer.
short form: manámù.
paN-v [A; b5] go to s.
as if he were ones father to ask for help.
Kinsay inyung gipangama (gipangamahan) sa pagkasúd sa in-yung bátà sa trabáhu?
Who did you approach to get a job for your son?
amaáma n stepfather.
amaáma sa buti n the first single eruption of smallpox before spreading.
amahan n father.
námù n the Lords Prayer.
v [A1] act as, have a father.
Dimálas nga nakaamahan kag mangtas, It is unfortunate that you have a beast for a father.
pangamahan v {1} [A2] act as a father.
Siya na lang ang nangamahan sa mga bátang ilu, He was the only one left to act as a father to the orphaned children.
{2} [A2; b(1)] sponsor.
Ang balaudun gipangamahan ni Briyúnis, The bill was sponsored by Briones.
{3} = pangama.
amáun n godfather in any ceremony.

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