APIKI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

apíki a {1} inadequate in space.
Apíki ang gamayng balay pára kanámung tanan, A small house is inadequate for all of us.
{2} be in a tight financial position.
{3} having little time.
Apíki ang panahung itiwas sa trabáhu, There wasnt enough time to finish the job.
{4} homely to the point that one is hard put to find any redeeming feature.
Apíkig nawung tanan íyang mga bátà, His children are all homely.
{5} too near s.t.
Apíki sa karsáda ang balay, The house is too near the street.
{6} near.
Apíki sa simbahan ang ámù, We live near the church.
v {1} [B12; b(1)] get to be short of space, money, time.
Ang pyánu nakaapíki (nakapaapíki) sa sála, The piano took up too much space in the living room.
Hing-apikihan ku sa kwarta karun, I happen to be short of money now.
{2} [A; a12b2] press s.
by not giving him time or room for maneuver.
Ayaw ku apikíha, dì lagi ku, Dont try to force me.
I told you I wont.
Dílì sila mubáyad ug dílì apikíhun, They wont pay if you dont press them.
Naapikhan ku sa ahinti, mipalit na lang ku, The agent cornered me, so I just bought one.

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