BANGUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bangut v [A; b6(1)] tie up s.
or s.t.
s mouth or the lower part of the face.
Bangútan ku ang kábaw arun dílì makakaun sa mais, Ill tie up the carabaos mouth so it cant get at the corn.
() n {1} muzzle, rope tied around an animals mouth, gag.
{2} face covering.
Ayaw siya kuhái sa bangut arun dílì makasinggit (mailhan), Dont take o?
her gag (mask) so she cannot shout (be recognized).
-an() v [A13] be in mourning.
Nagbangutan ang bánay sa namatay, The family of the deceased was in mourning.

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