BARTIHA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bartíha n {1} plank, board.
Gilugkat ang usa ka bartíha sa bungbung, One plank was torn o?
the wall.
{2} parcel, block of land.
Bahínun sa tulu ka bartíha ang ílang yútà, Their land will be divided into three parcels.
{3} share.
v {1} [A; a1] make, or cut into planks or boards.
{2} [A; b6(1)] put a board between two things.
Bartihái ang kanal arun makalabang ang kutsi, Place some planks over the canal so the car can pass over it.
{3} [A; a] divide, cut up into pieces or sections.
Hukum ang mubartíha (magbartíha) sa yútà nga iapud-apud sa mga anak, A judge will apportion the land that will be distributed among the children.
Bartiháa ang kík sa walu ka bátà, Divide the cake among the eight children.
{3a} [A] get a share or a part of.
Nakabartíha siyag duha ka gatus sa usa ka byáhi, His share in one trip was two hundred pesos.
bartindir n bartender, one who acts as a bartender.
v [B36; a] be the one who mixes the drinks.

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