LIKSIYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

liksiyun n {1} lesson in school.
{2} object lesson, an event or experience that should teach one to do s.t.
Kadtung baháa liksiyun nátù báhin sa pagpanagag káhuy, That flood should be a lesson to us with regards to deforestation.
v {1} [A; a12] assign, study a lesson.
Akuy muliksiyun ninyu run báhin sa paghúbad, I will give you a translation exercise today.
Naglik-siyun mi báhin sa birbu, We were having our lesson on verbs.
{2} [A12; a12] make s.
know the disagreeable consequence of an act.
Liksiyunun ta ka sa ímung binúang, I will discipline you because of your foolishness.

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