KANGU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kángù v {1} [AB; c16] shake s.t.
erect, be shaken.
Kinsay nagkángù sa lamísa?
Nayabu ang sabaw, Who shook the table?
The soup spilled.
Unsay nakakángù (nakapakángù) sa ímung ngípun?
What caused your teeth to get loose?
Nikángù ang bintánà paghampak sa makusug nga hángin, The window shook from the impact of the strong wind.
Nagakakangù na ang úlu ni tátay, tigúlang na giyud, Dads head is becoming shaky.
Hes growing old.
{2} [B] be rattled by a question.
Mikangù ku adtung gipangutána kus abugádu, I got rattled when the lawyer put a question to me.
{3} [B6] for an engine to sputter just before conking out.
Mikángù ang makina dáyung kamatay, The engine sputtered and then conked out.
kangùkangù a rickety and shaky.
Kangùkangù nga taytáyan, tigúlang, A rickety bridge, old man.
v [B; b6] be rickety or rickety and old.

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