KUMPANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kumpang n k.
disease of pigs, manifested by a foul odor em-anating from the mouth and giving a yellow color to the fat.
v [a4] get kumpang.
-un() a sick with kumpang.
kumpaníya n {1} business establishment.
Sákup siya sa usa ka mauswágung kumpaníya, He is a member of a prosperous company.
{2} business partners.
Kumpaníya sila niadtu piru nagbúlag ug nigusyu, They used to be business partners but now they have split their business.
{2a} habitual associate.
Pirmi nákù siyang kumpaníya sa pagpangharána, He is always with me when we go serenading.
{3} military company.
v [C; ac3] {1} be partners or associates in business.
Nagkumpaníya sila niánang ílang tindáhan, They are partners in that store.
Gikumpaniyáhan sa mag-ágaw ang pagpalit sa yútà, The cousins bought the land as co-partners.
{2} be a constant companion or associate.

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