LANSANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lansang n {1} nail.
Lansang sa kabáyù, Nail for a horseshoe.
{2} dried anchovies (slang).
v {1} [A; c] drive a nail, nail.
Dì na ni maukang kay gilansángan, You cant get this o?
because it is nailed down.
Ilansang sa bungbung ang kahun arun dílì mahúlug, Nail the box to the wall so it wont fall.
{2} [a12] sit or stand rooted to a place, as if nailed.
Gilansang ku sa ákung gilingkúran sa kalísang, I sat nailed to my seat in fright.
{2a} [a3] for the gaze to be fixed, as if nailed.
Ang íyang mga mata nalansang didtu sa dalága, His eyes were glued to the maiden.
{2b} [c6] be fixed at a certain quantity, as if nailed.
Gilansang sa diyis ang ámung iskur, hangtud nahuman, Our score was stuck at ten points to the very end.
{3} [A; b4] get a tire puncture from nails.
Lansángan ang dyip nga dì mubigay, If you dont give protection money, theyll puncture the tires of your jeep.

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