PUUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

púuk v {1} [A1; c16] cut s.t.
short close to the base.
Ang mga úlud nagpúuk ug putul sa mga turuk nga pugas mais, The worms cut the corn sprouts right down to the ground.
{2} [AP2B2SN; c1P] drive s.t.
so deep that the end is level.
Akuy mupúuk (mupapúuk) ánang lansánga, Ill drive that nail all the way in.
Lisud pag-ibut sa nagpuuk nga lansang, It is di?
cult to pull out a nail that is driven all the way in.
Ákung puúkun (papuúkun, ipapúuk, ipúuk) ang gasulinadur arun kusug ang dágan, Ill push the gas pedal to the floor to go full speed.
{3} [BN] for the nits to be right at the roots of the hair.
a cut close to the base, driven down even with the base.
() a {1} = púuk, a.
{2} for nits to be located right in the scalp at the base of the hair.
Wà ka katli nga puuk man kaáyu ning ímung mga lusà?
Isnt it itchy?
Your nits are right in your scalp.
v [A; b] tie, hold a tethered animal close to the attachment.
Nagpuuk ku sa kábaw sa káhuy arun dì siya makaabut pagkáun sa mga gagmayng lubi, Im tying the carabao close to the tree so that it cant reach the small coconut plants.
Ákung puk-an ang irù inig súd ninyu, Ill hold the dog close to me when you enter the house.

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