LANTUGAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lantugay v [A12] linger, dilly-dally over s.t.
or at a place.
Dílì makalantugay ang ákung mga anak sa iskuylahan kay daghag búhat sa ámù, My children cannot a?
ord to linger around after school because there are so many things to do at home.
pa- v [A; b5c1] linger, dilly-dally.
Hingkaadlawnan kanúnay ang bána pagpaúlì kay adtu man magpalantugay sa sugálan, The husband used to come home in the wee hours of the morning because he stayed late in the gambling den.
lantúgì n argument, quarrel.
Ang inyung banhà nga lantúgì nakapamata nákù, Your noisy argument woke me up.
v [A2C; a2] argue, quarrel.
Dì ku mulantúgì nímu ánang butánga, I wont quarrel with you over that matter.
Naglantúgì sila ug unsáun pagpaguwà sa pyánu, They are arguing about how to take the piano out.
ka- n an opponent in an argument.
ma-un a con-tentious, argumentative.
Malantugíun kaáyu siya nga mitubag sa íyang inahan, He talked back to his mother in an argumen-tative tone.
mag-r- n debater.
mamumulung orator-debater.
-un() a controversial.
Lantugiun ang risulta sa iliksiyun, The results of the election are very much a matter of controversy.

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