LUNSAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lunsay a {1} pure, unadulterated.
Lunsay nga gátas sa báka, Pure cows milk.
Lunsayng kaputlì nga wà pa kamansáhi sa kasinatían, Unadulterated innocence that has not been polluted by experience.
{2} simple, peaceful in way or outlook.
Lun-say kaáyu ang kinabúhing banikanhun, Farm life is very simple and peaceful.
v [B1; c1] be simple or peaceful in ways or out-look.
Ang maglunsay sa kinahanglan dílì magápus sa útang, One who is simple with his needs wont get himself engulfed in debt.
Malunsay ang átung pamuyù ug mubíyà ka sa súgal, Our life would get peaceful once you stop your gambling.

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