LAGDA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lagdà n pattern or outline to which s.t.
is to conform.
{1} rules of behavior or action.
Lagdà sa gramatika, Rules of grammar.
Lagdà sa pamatásan, Code of behavior.
{2} temporary stitches to be sewn over.
{2a} tracing.
{3} signature.
Way lagdà ang tsíki, The check lacks a signature.
v {1} [A; c] give a set of rules to be followed.
Unsay gilagdà sa Kudigu Pinal báhin niíni?
What does the Penal Code state about this?
{2} [A; a] baste, make temporary stitches prior to sewing.
Gilagdaan pa ni, dílì untà maghíbat, If you had basted it first, it wouldnt have come out crooked.
{2a} [A; c1] trace a pattern.
Ang tiil sa bátà gilagdà ku sa papil, I traced the outline of the childs foot on a piece of paper.
{3} [A; b] a?
x ones signature.

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