UNLUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

unlud v {1} [AB23; c1] sink into s.t.
so as to be submerged.
Dì muunlud (maunlud) ang sakayan nga kinatígan, A boat with outriggers wont sink.
Unlúrun (iunlud) ta ka, Ill pull you under the water.
{1a} for s.t.
solid to sink into the earth or land to sink.
Nahíwì ang balay kay nagkaunlud ang halígi, The house is crooked because the post is sinking.
{2} [APB2; c1] for a business to go to pot, cause it to do so.
Muunlud ang ímung nigusyu ug dì ikaw ang mangunay, Your business will go to pot if you dont manage it yourself.
pa- n lead sinker of a fishing net or line.

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