YAMITAK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

yamitak, yamítak v [B4; b6] {1} become muddy or messy.
Basta mag-úwan, muyamitak giyud ang ámung nataran, Whenever it rains, our yard becomes muddy.
Kanang inyung pagwasigwasig sa kan-un mauy nakayamítak sa lamísa, The way you strewed the food around, the table has gotten to be a mess.
{2} talk o?
the topic or nonsense.
Sábà dihà.
Nagyamitak ka lang.
Wà man gánì ka didtu, Be quiet.
You dont know what youre talking about.
You werent even there.
{2a} sit around doing nothing.

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