KANAP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kánap v [B; c1] spread over an area.
Ang tipdas mikánap (naká-nap) sa tibuuk láwas, Measles spread all over his body.
Ikánap (kanápun) níya ang íyang mga ahinti dinhi sa syudad, He will spread his salesmen over the city.
Ang baul gikanápan sa túbig, Water spread all over the field.
kanapkanap a blurred, dim eye-sight.
v [B; b6] for the eyesight to become blurred.
Mukanap-kanap na giyud ang átung panan-aw kun magkatigulang na kita, As we grow older our eyesight becomes more and more blurred.

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