KALASIKAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kalasíkas n rustling sound like that produced by the motion of leaves.
v {1} [A3; c1] produce this k.
rustling sound.
Kasikása (ikasíkas) ang mga dáhun arun sila mahadluk, Rustle the leaves so theyll be afraid.
{2} [A1] bustle about in preparation for s.t.
Mikasíkas ang mga tagibalángay kay nagkaduul na ang py-ista, The people are bustling about with the fiesta approaching.
Hápit ka na mugíkan, wà pa ka kakasíkas!
Its nearly time to leave and you havent made any preparations!
sa panahun n doings, activities of constant and ordinary nature.

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