SAYUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sáyud v {1} [B1256; b4(1)] know; have cognizance or awareness of s.t.
Nasáyud aku nga usa ninyu namutbut, I know that one of you is telling a lie.
Wà ku masáyud kun háin ang ílang balay, I dont know where their house is.
{2} [b(1)] tell s.
about s.t.
, give information, news, etc.
Sayran ta kang dáan nga si Binduy usa ka minyù, Let me inform you beforehand that Bendoy is a married man.
{3} [A; b] hold the sáyud ceremony.
Human na mi makasáyud.
Kasal na lay kúwang, We have already held the formal betrothal ceremony.
Now only the wedding is left.
n the ceremony held after the pamaláyi (in which the marriage proposal is made) in which the prospective groom returns to the brides family to find out whether or not they accept.
In this cer-emony all formal agreements and terms are stated, and the cou-ple is engaged.
a be thoroughly acquainted with s.t.
Sáyud aku sa mga kinaíya sa mga táwu dinhi, Im thoroughly acquainted with what the people here are like.
paki- v [A13; b(1)] ask infor-mation about s.t.
Magpakisáyud tag unsay nahitabù, Lets ask what happened.
n request for information.
sinayúran n a girl who is engaged and has gone through the sáyud ceremony.
v [B1256] be formally betrothed.
kasayúran n information.
masi-nayúrun a informative.
sayukmù v [B5; c1] for the chin and lower jaw to jut out, esp.
when one is pouting or sulking.
Musamut kag kangil-ad ug musayukmù ang ímung suwang, You look more ugly if you let your chin protrude.
Ug way marpil musayukmù ang suwang, If you do not have false teeth your chin will jut out.
a {1} for the chin to be sticking out.
{2} for the face to be squat and wide.

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