PUTA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

púta n {1} whore (coarse).
{2} curse word to express anger, disgust.
Púta, ngánung aku pa ang nadisgrasya, Damn!
Why did it have to be me that had the accident!
v [B12; b6] be, become a whore, prostitute.
paN-v [AP; b6] engage in prostitu-tion.
íhu di- son of a bitch; reference to s.
whom one wishes to curse or a curse expressing anger (coarse).
púta v [A1] shatter, crush s.t.
to bits.
Krásir ray makapúta niánang mga dagkung batu, Only a stone crusher can crush those large rocks.
Way mapunit sa butilya kay napúta giyug maáyu, No one can pick up that bottle because it was smashed to smithereens.

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