AWTUR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

awtur n {1} author of a book.
{2} author of an act.
awturidad n {1} authority, right to do s.t.
Wà kay awturidad sa pagpapaháwà nákù áning yutáa, You have no authority to eject me from this land.
{2} governmental authorities.
Ang awturidad nag-awhag sa mga táwu sa pagpabáyad sa mga bu-luhísan, The authorities are enjoining the people to pay their taxes.
Gipangítà siya sa awturidad, He is being hunted by the authorities.
{3} authority, expert in s.t.
Si Manang usa ka aw-turidad sa madyung, Manang is an authority on mahjong.
v [B1256] be an authority on s.t.

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