ATULI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

atuli n {1} earwax.
{2} materials like earwax.
{a} yellow paste.
{b} tobacco tars.
{c} yellow, hardened grease sticking in corners of machinery.
v [A; ac1] make, apply paste to.
Nagkayabkáyab nang mga drúwing sa bungbung.
Iatuli (atuliha) ra, The draw-ings are flapping up and down on the wall.
Paste them down.
() = atuli, 2a.
paN- v = panghiN-.
hiN- n instrument for getting earwax out.
v [A; b(1)] remove earwax.
Akuy muhingatuli sa bátà, I will remove the childs earwax.
panghiN- v [A2; b(1)] re-move ones earwax.
Dílì maáyung manghingatuli sa kadaghánan, Its not good to remove ones earwax in public.

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