KUWING is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuwing n guinea pig.
kuyabug n {1} nestling, a young bird that has not abandoned its nest.
a {1a} neophyte, a beginner at s.t.
Usa lang ku ka kuyabug nga magsusúlat, I am only an amateur writer.
{1b} young and inexperienced person.
Ayawg sagbat sa isturya sa mga dagkù kay kuyabug ka pa, Do not butt into the conversa-tion of your elders because you are still a child.
{2} mistress, concubine.
Mahal níya ang íyang kuyabug kay sa asáwa, He loves his mistress more than his wife.
paN- v [A2] hunt for nestlings.

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