BAYLU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

baylu v {1} [C; ac1] exchange.
Magbaylu tag lápis, Lets ex-change pencils.
Baylúi ug manuk ang ákung mais, Barter my corn for a chicken.
Ayaw ibaylu ang ímung sapátus sa íyang pan-talun, Dont swap your shoes for his pants.
{2} [AN; a2] take s.t.
with the understanding that one will give it or its equiva-lent back.
Bayluun kung ímung dus písus, I will borrow your two pesos.
{3} [A; b6(1)] buy things for immediate household use.
Pagbaylu ngadtug sigarilyu, Go buy some cigarettes.
n s.t.
one borrowed from s.
Ang baylu mung kwarta nákù wà nímu ilisdi, You did not repay the money you borrowed from me.
bayluay, baylúay v [C] exchange with one another.

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