LUUM is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lúum v [A; c] put s.t.
entirely into the mouth.
Íyang gilúum ang usa ka buuk pán, He put the whole piece of bread into his mouth.
() v {1} [A23] hold ones breath, stifle back ones breath.
Napakung ang íyang bitíis ug miluum siya sa kasakit, He banged his shins and he held his breath in pain.
{2} [A; c6] repress, keep to oneself or cry in a repressed way.
Miluum siyag hílak dihang ákù siyang gibyáan, She cried softly when I left her.
Ayawg iluum ang ímung kayugut sa ímung amahan, Dont repress your resentment at your father.

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