WAGWAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

wagwag v {1} [A13; c6] spill s.t.
out of a container.
Nawag-wag ang harína kay nabutbut ang sáku, The flour spilled because the bottom came out of the sack.
{1a} [A13; a12] rip or punc-ture a container so the contents spill.
Ikaw diay nagwagwag sa sáku kay ímu mang gidahik, You made the sack rip because you dragged it.
{2} [A; c] divulge information.
Miwagwag hinúun ku sa tanan kung nasayran báhin níya, I spilled everything I knew about her.
{3} [A] go about with penis dangling freely.
Walà giyud kay úwaw kun magwagwag kang mulakaw sa karsáda, You sure are shameless if you can walk down the street with your penis waving in the breeze.
n secret that has become known.

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