DAPLIN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

daplin n {1} side, edge.
Sa daplin sa subà, On the river bank.
{2} beside.
Daplin giyud sa karsáda, Right next to the road.
{3} walay laing there is no other alternative.
Wà giyud tay laing daplin kun dì pag-upira, We have no other choice than to operate.
{4} get out of the way!
(short for padaplin).
pa- v {1} [A; ac] move, put to the side.
Padaplína ang mga táwu, Have the people move to the side.
Ipadaplin ang mga bangkù, Move the benches to the side.
{2} [A3; c] move to the background.
Nagpadaplin lang ku kay wà man kuy lábut adtung ílang áway, I just stayed in the background because I didnt have anything to do with their quarrel.

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