BALUKBUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

balukbuk n {1} finishing touches.
Balukbuk na lang ning átù kay human na ang trabáhu, All we have to do is the finishing touches because the work is done.
{2} seasoning for foods.
Mu-lamì ang sud-an bísan way balukbuk kun maáyu kang mulútù, Food tastes good even without seasoning if you are a good cook.
v {1} [A3; b(1)] do finishing touches.
{2} [A3; b(1)] add a lit-tle to s.t.
to enrich it or season it.
Balukbúkan tag balas ang simintu kay húmuk da, Lets add sand to the cement because its too watery.

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