KRUSLAYIN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
krusláyin n {1} misconnection in a telephone where, when one dials a busy number, one can talk to another party which also has dialed a busy number.
{2} action of purposely dialing a number one knows to be busy in the hopes of finding s.
to talk to through the cross line.
v [A1NC1; b(1)] look for s.
to talk to by the cross line.
krus raypul n crossed rifles, the insignia of the infantry.
v [A1; c] wear this insignia.
{2} action of purposely dialing a number one knows to be busy in the hopes of finding s.
to talk to through the cross line.
v [A1NC1; b(1)] look for s.
to talk to by the cross line.
krus raypul n crossed rifles, the insignia of the infantry.
v [A1; c] wear this insignia.