URUNG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

úrung v {1} [B2S6; c1] stop, cause one to do so.
Nag-urung ang puntírus rilu, The watch hand is not moving.
Iúrung (urún-gun) nákù ang ákung pagtabakù, Ill quit smoking.
{2} [A13] be idle, unemployed.
Mag-úrung lang únà siya rung tuíga kay wà may bakanti pára sa maistra, She will be out of work this year because there are no vacancies for teachers.
pa- v [A; a12] sus-pend or dismiss from work.
Paurúngun kas trabáhu ug sad-an ka, You will be dismissed from work if you are guilty.
urung-úrung v [A13; c1] do s.t.
on and o?
úrung = úrum.

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