TAPUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tapun v [A2; c] {1} move to another house or place.
Kung mag-áway ang magtiáyun ang asáwa adtu dáyun mutapun sa íyang ugángan, If the couple quarrels, the wife immediately goes to stay with her mother-in-law.
{2} move, bring to a nearby location separated by some k.
Mitapun ang langgam sa láing sanga, The bird moved to another branch.
{3} cross to the opposing party.
Daghang mutapun sa partídung daúgan, Many people will cross over to the winning party.
n area across s.t.
Kining kaingína muluwak sa tapun íning búd, This clearing stretches over to the opposite slope of this hill.

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