PAGAKPAK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pagakpak n {1} sound produced by clapping, clapping of wooden sandals, clopping of horses, and the like.
Limpiyang pagakpak, Shoeshine done by slapping a piece of cloth over the shoes with a popping sound.
{2} instrument for making a clapping sound.
v [A; c1] make a clapping, clip-clop sound.
Ikaw bay mupagakpak sa humayan?
Will you sound the clapper in the rice field?
Nag-pagakpak ang ílang bakyà pag-ági níla, Their wooden sandals made a clapping sound as they passed by.
Pagakpákan nátù ang nakadaug, Lets applaud the winner.

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