KUSNIT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kusnit v [A; b6(1)] {1} rip into little pieces, pinch o?
a tiny portion from s.t.
Mikusnit kug gamay sa ímung sinugbang isdà, I pinched o?
a tiny portion from your broiled fish.
Ayaw kusníta ang papil, Dont rip up the paper.
{2} pinch, tweak.
Kusníta ang íyang dunggan ug dì mamínaw, Tweak her ears if she doesnt listen.
n {1} action of ripping or pinching.
{2} amount pinched o?
kusnitkusnit v [A; a1] pinch s.t.
softly many times over a surface to tickle or caress.
Duha ka babáyi ang mikusnitkusnit (nagkusnitkusnit) sa íyang áping didtu sa bar, Two women were pecking at his cheeks in the bar.
-in-an n thing s.
Nagdugù ang ímung kinusnitan, The part of the skin that you pinched is bleeding.

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