LIGSI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ligsì v [B26; a12] for bamboo to crack along the grain under pressure.
Ayaw ug ibundak ang sag-ub kay muligsì (maligsì), Set the bamboo tube water container down gently so it doesnt crack.
ligsik (from lisik) v {1} [B23(1)46] expel s.t.
solid from within with a sudden force.
Muligsik ang lísu sa nangkà ug hugtun paggúnit, The seed of the jackfruit will jump out if you grab the meat.
{2} [B246] be wide-eyed with fear, amazement, surprise, etc.
Miligsik ang mga mata sa táwu sa kahibúlung, The mans eyes became wide with amazement.

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