PUNDUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

punduk v {1} [AC; b6] gather, assemble together in a group.
Dì kita makapunduk sa pasilyu, We cant gather in the passageway.
Plása ang ílang gipundúkan, They gathered in the town square.
{2} [A; c1] gather s.t.
Pundúka (ipunduk) ang mga sagbut arun daúban, Pile the trash up to burn it.
n {1} group.
{2} pile.
{3} political party.
Mubali ku sa punduk Libiral, Ill cross to the Liberal party.
pundukpunduk n {1} social gathering.
Sa pundukpunduk dì pud siya mapiri, She would not be out of place in social gatherings.
{2} k.
small cerith shells (daludalu), so called because they are found gathered in bunches.

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