LAYUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

layug v [A2C; a2] {1} grapple with s.
Giulang ku ang duha ka bátà nga nagláyug, I intervened when the two boys were wrestling with each other.
Gilayug ku siya kay ákung giílug ang kutsilyu, I wrestled with him to get the knife from him.
{2} wrestle with a woman in foreplay.
Daw may gilayug nga dalága, It seems that s.
was wrestling with a girl (to rape her).
tig- a {1} fond of wrestling.
{2} fond of mutilating plants by breaking o?
branches, flowers, etc.
as if having wrestled with them.
Kining mga bátà dinhi muy tiglayug sa mga tanum, Its the children that destroy the plants here.

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